darksider is single player action adventure game which developed by vigil games.Gameplay of darksiders is like god of war or legend of Zelda although they are really different. but for pc users you can little bit enjoy the god of war by playing darksiders.the gameplay of darksiders is really big aprox(15~20 hours).the game is also contains a bunch of difficult puzzels which makes the game kinda difficulti has 3 options 1.easy 2.normal 3.apocalyptic.the game game has both option of saving 1.autosave 2.manual save. Although manual save option option doesn’t works without check point which kinda sad but users can save their life stones and warth powers by saving which is good.
You can save the game in 9 desired place which is here we comes to the weapons, lifestones and about wrath abilities Weapons-the game 4 major weapons where you can use 3 at a time :
1.chaoseater –war’s legendary blade which is really powerfull
2.scythe-its massive curved blade performes attacks multiple enimies which is also have to buy this blade from vulgrim
3.thermor grantlet-it realeases thermor waves when realeses
4.armageddon blade-It is one of powerful blade which is usable for killing destroyer.after when you find 7 pices of blade you will receive this weapon in place of chaoseate . most powerfull weapon of the game.
You can up the destruction level by large amount of hitting enemies.and you can level up your blade moves like demon slas,harpoon tackle,devilcross etc. from vulgrim(a greedy merchent) by help of collecting souls you level it up up to 3.each weapon has different moves.
You can also use weapon enhancement for getting maximum souls or maximum life or max damage etc.although you can’t use any enhancement in Armageddon blade.all blade has different kind of moves which can be viewed in inventory option. Gear and equipments-war has also bunch of extra equipment which is helpful for solving puzzles and some equipments for hitting enemies.the equipments are-earthcaller,cross blade,mercy,abyssal chain void walker,mask of will receive the items in time of gameplay. Lifestones-war receives one number of life stones by killing one chosen(total 5 by killing chosen) and he can also get more than 5 lifestones by getting lifestone can also collect the abyssal armor by collecting 10 can also increase ur life by using greater life is useful for when u are struggling in lifestones.
Wrath power-it’s a power full weapon which really works awesome in time of killing big enemies. Passive abilities-war has some good passive abilities –shadow flight(it is useful for gliding form a small time),serpent holes(you can jump the locations by by using serpent holes but you have to find hidden vulgrim locations),chaos form(it’s a form of destruction of war,its really powerful but you its needed full destruction meter) , blockcounter (you can block and u can do counter attacks), chronomancer(its usfull for slowing the time),ruin(it’s a kind of horse you can use it for long destinations and in some boss fights,ruin can also charged and can run faster)
The game has really some difficult puzzels.which is needed time of using void walker u may think its like portal game.but its kinda different from that. Also it’s a really good game for hack and slash lovers.and the game has also some decent options like ruin(I called it a horse with nitro ) I like it most. But somehow users can face in problem of keybindings there are key binding . If u use keyboard then you can easily forget any key bindings. Also the game is not challenging as god of war. Morley neithier combat nor puzzle are too much deep in this game but they are good.