
The Holographic Universe Principle : Are we just an illusion?

Is our Universe really a projection of a holographic film ? Are we real or just a holographic illusion ? As per the holographic principle the universe might just be a holographic projection! Its like information residing in a 2D world getting mapped into a 3D world! Sounds crazy isn’t it! Originally proposed by Gerard t’Hooft this principle has a pretty strong mathematical support as shown by Leonard Susskind. Roots of the Holographic Principle lies in the theory of black holes relating to Hawking Radition and Entropy.

Here is how the Holographic Principle came into being from the Theory of Black Holes:

In 1974 Hawkins suggested an idea relating to black holes what is now as called “Hawking Radiation”. Okay so here’s what Hawking Radiation is in a Nutshell : When ‘something’ falls into a black hole and crosses its event horizon(i.e the point of no return) it eventually gets ripped apart by the blackhole when it reaches the singularity and is ‘predicted’ to be radiated in form of energy called Hawking Radiation. But as Gerard t’Hooft , Leonard Susskind , Herman Verlinde and others found out that there is something fundamentally wrong with that view since it violates a basic principle of physics that information cannot be lost permanently. If 2 different objects go into a blackhole and later on are radiated as energy by the blackhole then there is a loss of ‘information’ (from a physicist’s point of view) since those 2 ‘different’ things must stay ‘different'(as in distinguishable states) even if they get spaghetti-fied or scrambled i.e later on you would be able to figure out which 2 objects entered the blackhole. But as we know anything can go into a black hole and nothing can come out and at the same time information also cannot be lost.

So where is all information stored that goes inside a blackhole ? … as said by Susskind : thats actually a wrong question! The notion of where is information is actually observer dependent. To say it differently in a loose manner : The information somehow resides on the surface of a blackhole as viewed from outside of the horizon! Whats it says is that the information in the immediate vicinity of the blackhole is mapped onto its surface i.e the surface of the black a holographic projection of the things in its vicinity. And scientists later on found that this concept can be extended to our own universe which has given rise to the Holographic Principle. So It might just be the case that we are a projection of a holographic film!

The Discussion Video:

Well you need to have a look at the video to understand what it means like! The below video is from 2011 World Science Festival on discussion about the “Holographic Universe Principle”. The discussion panel includes some of the worlds Leading Physicists .. namely : Gerard t’Hooft , Leonard Susskind , Herman Verlined and Raphael Bousso with John Hockenberry as the host.

Official video link : A Thin Sheet of Reality: The Universe as a Hologram

More on Hawking radiation : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawking_radiation

More on Holographic Principle : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holographic_principle