
AMD Performance Edition 1600 Mhz DDR3 Ram review

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AMD Performance Edition RAM Reviewed!

Hey there people!

how’s life going?

First of all a very Happy New year from the team and lets hope we can bring you more exciting reviews this year. Today on the test bench we have a new kits of ram from AMD. Its a Mainstream kit running at a modest 1600Mhz Cl8. Lets see how it stacks up!

Read on…

Product Showcase

Lets see how the thing looks..shall we?

The bos looks quite simple with Big branding on the front with a picture of the kits.

The back gives out some more information about the memory like the model no. OEM name(in this case Patriot) etc.

In the Box

Inside the box the memory is packed inside a blister pack which although pretty notorious worldwide is not very hard to open..Praise the lord!

So a nice little package without any junk.

Showcase Continues

More pictures

Next stop…benchmarks…

First up the OCFreaks’ system used for testing:

CPU Intel Core i5 2500K
Motherboard Asus P8Z68 Deluxe
Ram AMD Performance Edition 1600Mhz 8GB DDr3
Storage Western Digital 320GB HDD (WD320AAKX)
Video Card Sapphire Radeon HD 7850
Cooling Noctua NH D14 with GT 1850 fans
Case Ghetto made bench table
Power supply Unit Corsair AX 1200W

Software’s used for testing and benchmarking

Speed wise the kit is an Mixed bag of experience. It does boot up at stock speeds regardless of the platform.

Here are the results i got while overclocking and tweaking the ram :


8-9-8-24 1600Mhz

A little more with CL9:


Highest i could do..


So overclocking was not as great as the previous Ram i  tested,But then again that was an exceptional Kit.

On to the benchmark Results:

Not much to say about them..let the pics do the talking..i will give my views on the conclusion.

Final Words

The kit is basically a kit made by Patriot ,so i was expecting a mediocre performance.Frankly i didn’t expect this to to perform very high. And the kit delivered as expected..rock solid at Stock,little overclocking headroom.

So lets take a look at the pro’s and con’s:



Overall I give it 3 out of 5 Stars. Recommended but there are better alternatives.

Finally a big thanks to Vedant Computer’s Kolkata for providing the sample. You can check out this ram and many more Components on their shop at:
26th Ganesh Chandra Avenue ,
Kolkata-700013 ,

Signing Out,
Sumon Pathak


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